black family wales springtime on the farm

Springtime on The Farm

We’re so excited to have had the opportunity to be featured on Springtime On The Farm, a whole five minutes guys, a WHOLE 4-5 Minutes. you can’t tell us nothing! On The Farm is a celebration of farming and its amazing community across the length and breadth of Britain, it covers the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter seasons. This is our first Spring growing flowers and herbs for our business Earth To Earth Organics, this is our first growing season in South Wales.


For us growing our own ingredients means so much because we get to learn how to grow them, how they change season after season and we know full well that we’ll be fully organic, fully committed to the biodiversity of our soil, the wildlife around us and we know that we won’t ever spray our plants with any chemicals. The joy of walking into any of our growing spaces, picking, washing, drying and using our indigents in our product making just bring so much joy to our hearts. Of course, we know that it won’t be easy, we’ve grown some of our own food over the last eight years in our allotments and gardens, so we know that it's not all bells and whistles. We know that everything won’t be perfect and that everything won’t survive but we know that what goes right and what does grow will be worth it, that it will be gorgeous stuff and we know that you guys will love it and your skin will love it too.


For us the move to Wales has been kismet, we’ve had a strong calling to be more in nature for years. When we moved from London to Bedfordshire that was the first step and when we had our son that pull turned into a sharp push. We had to move, and we had to do it now, the stars were aligned for us, and we found the right place for us for now. It’s a great community to learn in, a great village to raise our son in. Kymani is thriving, we are thriving as a family, were healthier, less stressed and can live the life that we’ve set out to live. By no means is it a walk in the park, being present as parents, while running a business, while trying to find some balance and pay all our bills gets tricky at times, that’s the truth of it all but we wouldn’t trade it in. Thank you for walking along our journey with us, we truly appreciate you.


Lots of love

Danny, Tenesia & Kymani


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